Well, its come down to this! The Planning Commission Meeting that we've delayed for a month and a half through our democratic efforts is now upon us, this Wednesday, May 6th, at 6:00 p.m. at the Mark Dunakin Hearing Room 1, One Frank Ogawa Plaza.
Please come if you can! We need our neighborhood's presence to let the Planning Commission know its not ok to site Cell Antennas in our neighborhood, or any residential neighborhood. If you don't want to speak that's ok, come anyway and sign up to speak, and then donate your two minutes, because there are several people who will need your generous donation of time to make our case before the Commission.
We need to know how many are coming and donating their time, so here's a link to a "Doodle" app so you can let us know. Its easy and you don't have to sign up for anything: go to this link: https://doodle.com/ p9qx4at4dzt3rae4
But even if you can't make it to the Planning Commission Meeting, or if you don't speak, please write to the Commissioners before Wednesday. We've set up an eMail auto letter at our website. Go to this link: http://fightthetowers. blogspot.com/p/mr.html or click on the link under Resources to your right: "Take Action - Write to the Oakland Planning Commission."
We put alot of talking points for you there, but just pick one or two to send if you like, or write your own, then send it off.
Thanks so much!